Monday 4 August 2014

July Painting Challenge - Overview & Progress Pics #1

As previously described I decided to take part in the Warboss Tae July Painting Challenge this year, and this has occupied a lot of my free time this last month, which - in retrospect - has been fairly sparse.

A combination of on-calls and weekends spent moving house has made the whole month physically, emotionally and socially very challenging.

I had set out to paint:
3 Killa Kans
3 Warbikers
11 Nobs
9 Boyz

This represented a portion of the large number of unpainted Ork models currently sat in a box screaming to be painted and I hoped that I could add these to my Boyz, Lootas and Warboss to begin to create a well rounded mob to begin a more impressive Waagh!.

It all started well but in the last week or so my effort was somewhat more stuttering. I was impressed that I managed to get a short video up each day and answer the "daily questions". I also managed to keep an eye on other people's projects which kept me motivated.

As, July 31st rolled around I knew I wasn't going to get everything done but rather than rush I have decided to add another week or so onto the end of my project to accomplish my goals.

I've included a whole host of work in progress pics below - there will be a few more before i'm done.  I am intended to make a video of all of them once the project is complete and then show case the final models separately in their own blog entry and video.

Take care guys


Thursday 10 July 2014

Hobby Update

Hi Everyone
Apologies for my blogging hiatus.  Its been a busy time for both myself and the hobby and as such I've been wrapped up in a whole host of things which have made me neglect the blog. So where do we begin...
Over the past month or so, everyone will have been acutely aware of the influx of Greenskins filling our stores.  For most this may be seen as a fungal infestation which needs to be eradicated, but for me its reinforcements.  There are some fantastic new models, many of which are long overdue - namely the MegaNobz - with nice new kits for the Big Meks, Meks and Painboy.  I'm hoping to be adding some of these guys to my horde over the coming months but i'm going to make a concerted effort to get my current collection painted up before I plough to much of my money into more models (see below).
Several weeks ago, Nick was transported into the mirror universe and was replaced by Nicholas.  Nicholas' dislike for the Eldar has left a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart and he has set us a wonderful challenge to get some alternative videos up for our YouTube Channels.  For my part, Thraka's Painboy made an appearance and painted up the Chaos Lord that has been sat in my cupboard since it was gifted to me in May.  Having an abundance of blues from my DeathSkullz, it only seemed right to utilise these and a Nightlords Terminator Lord was born.  I was pretty happy with the final results and a short video has been posted to my channel.
I spent a great deal of time last year watching the progress achieved by fellow hobbyists during WarbossTae's 2013 July Challenge. At the time, I had just got married, was moving house and job and couldn't commit myself to involving myself in such an undertaking (my internal fear of failure resulting in an inability to attempt, lol).
This year I decided that it would be a great opportunity to bulk out my Waaagh! with a number of models which have been long overdue for priming and a paint job. As such I committed myself to painting up some boyz, Nobz, warbikers and Killa Kanz.  Its now Day 10 and progress is going steady with all of the basic metallics finished and blues starting to receive their respective highlights. 
Over the next few weeks I will hopefully get all of those models finished and then start work on more Boyz, some more Lootas and Burnas, and several Trukks - which may be the way to go with 7th Edition.
Keep an eye on my YouTube channel for a log of progress over the course of the month.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Thank you for you patience

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog so far. I was on nights last weekend and have been away this week celebrating my 1st anniversary so apologies for the small break in service.

Hoping to post something for IDICBeer's Mirror Universe competition on YouTube this week and also get an update for my 500 points of Orks which have now been completed.  I also gave plans afoot for WarbossTae's July Challenge so hopefully lots to keep people entertained on here and my YouTube channel (dornsapothecary) in the coming weeks.

Take care!

Sunday 8 June 2014

YouTube Channel

Hi guys

In an attempt to appeal to as many people as possible I have posted a couple videos to YouTube today.

One as an short introductory video and the other is a video response to Travis at Aussie Ork for his 300 Subscriber competition which includes my newly painted battlewagon along with some WIP and finished pictures.

Here's the link: dornsapothecary

Hope you enjoy, please subscribe if you're interested and I try to keep this blog and the YouTube Channel as uptodate as possible, even with little updates.

Its an interesting time for Ork collectors / players.  New walkers, new Flash Gitz models (long overdue!!) and with any luck (looks hopefully at the GW website one last time) a new Codex just around the corner.

Take care!

Ork Boy Fatigue

Painting 40 boyz became a little tedious and I needed a break from it so decided to break out the BattleWagon and a few spray paints.

It's far from finished but I'm really pleased with how it's turned out...

I'm planning on using this model for my Aussie Ork 300 subscriber entry.  More to come soon!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Progress to 500

Ok,  since the last time I updated I have been making some headway on the rest of my 500 point starter army.  The lootas, shootas and sluggas or all getting there to join their greenskin brethren and the warboss... yet to be named??!!

The teef and leather bits are yet to be painted so they're not quite ready to start doing all the basing etc but i'm pleased with the progress I made.  Did this as a big batch paint which I think might have been a little too much but fortunately I had the Lootas in there to mix things up a little.

 For my next 500 points I've made plans to paint up a few more points of top up boyz and a big unit of nobs.  A 10 man Nob squad with transport could easily hit the 500 point mark and i'm not necessarily going to field it this was but it allows me to mentally prepare for what gets painted next.

When I get to 500 points of painted models i'm going to make a YouTube video response to Aussie Ork for his 300 subscriber competition in an attempt to top up my "backburnered" Orcs and Goblins Army.

Will post again soon, hopefully with a pic of the fully painted 500!

Sunday 25 May 2014

An introduction

So last year I started keeping a log for painting up some Warhammer Fantasy Savage Orcs. It was really nice to see myself making some progress but sadly work and other things imposed on my painting and my well intentioned 40k plans all fell by the wayside for the last six months or so.

Having recently got some more time on my hands I made a commitment to actually get some models painted and play some games of 40k.  This has coincided really nicely with the new 7th edition rulebook coming out so as I paint my models I can get to grips with the most uptodate rules, etc.

Having a large pile of Orks built or ready to be built I asked the wargaming community for advice on creating a 500 point Ork starter army based on the models I currently have.

With that in mind I've not started to paint up this small force so I can start playing some games.

The initial 500 points will be:

Warboss with power klaw, eavy armour, cybork body and attack squig

18 Boyz with a Nob (Bosspole, PowerKlaw, Eavy Armour) and a big shoota

17 Boyz with a Nob (Bosspole, PowerKlaw, Eavy Armour) and a big shoota

5 Lootas

Here's the progress so far...

Hope you enjoy! And I hope to upload my progress in the coming weeks as well as thoughts on developing my force and any games I start to play.