Sunday 25 May 2014

An introduction

So last year I started keeping a log for painting up some Warhammer Fantasy Savage Orcs. It was really nice to see myself making some progress but sadly work and other things imposed on my painting and my well intentioned 40k plans all fell by the wayside for the last six months or so.

Having recently got some more time on my hands I made a commitment to actually get some models painted and play some games of 40k.  This has coincided really nicely with the new 7th edition rulebook coming out so as I paint my models I can get to grips with the most uptodate rules, etc.

Having a large pile of Orks built or ready to be built I asked the wargaming community for advice on creating a 500 point Ork starter army based on the models I currently have.

With that in mind I've not started to paint up this small force so I can start playing some games.

The initial 500 points will be:

Warboss with power klaw, eavy armour, cybork body and attack squig

18 Boyz with a Nob (Bosspole, PowerKlaw, Eavy Armour) and a big shoota

17 Boyz with a Nob (Bosspole, PowerKlaw, Eavy Armour) and a big shoota

5 Lootas

Here's the progress so far...

Hope you enjoy! And I hope to upload my progress in the coming weeks as well as thoughts on developing my force and any games I start to play.